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Softball Standings

Summer/Fall Co-ed Softball 2024

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
PI * Points
1   Alcoballics 10 1 0 30 148 70
2   Prestige worldwide 8 (1)º 4 0 24 105 97
3   C2C 8 2 (1)º 0 24 75 39
4   Pitch Slap 7 3 0 21 104 63
5   Where My Pitches At? 7 4 0 21 82 59
6   No Glove No Love 6 6 (1)º 0 18 68 81
7   Bottom of the Fifth 5 (1)º 4 1 16 75 72
8   No Hit Sherlock 5 3 1 16 59 56
9   Lookin 2 Score 5 5 0 15 48 84
10   Deal with it 3 7 0 9 14 120
11   Mike and Strikes 2 8 0 6 7 129
12   Redtail Roofing 1 7 1 4 9 140
13   Free Ballers 1 7 1 4 9 150
14   Benchwarmers 1 8 0 3 4 138
How are Standings Calculated?
Winners receive 3 points, each team in a tie receives 1 point, and losers receive 0 points.
* PI = Power Index
The Power Index is a strength-of-schedule metric that is calculated by summing the Ranking Points of each team's vanquished opponents.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.
JaxSport Adult Sports Leagues
P.O. Box 50578
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240
(904) 566-3989