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Just open for registration
  Co-ed 5 men/5 women - Rosters up to 18 Players

Winter Co-ed Softball 2024-25

  • Locations: Drew Park
  • • Day: Sunday • Started: 11/17
    Deadline: 11/17
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All Games will be played at Drew Park

League Starts:11/17 at Drew Park

Captain's Group Chat will be set up prior to the league starting

11.17, 11.24, 12.8, 1.5, 1.12, 1.19, 1.26, 2.2, 2.16, 3.9

9:00 AM, 10:10 AM, 11:20 AM, 12:30 PM, 1:40 PM

Flag Football
  Men's 6v6 and Women's 7v7, Co-ed Coming Soon - Rosters up to 15 Players

St. Johns Adult Flag Football 2025

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Rosters are capped at 15 players. League Rules will be posted soon.

1.10, 1.17, 1.24, 1.31, 2.7, 2.14, 2.21, 2.28, 3.7, 3.14, 3.21, 3.28, 4.4

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:30 PM

  Co-ed 7v7, Women's 7v7

Winter Friday Night Soccer 2025

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Teams must have at least 7 players registered by Friday, January 3rd to get placed on the schedule.

Co-ed 7v7 Soccer games are played with 5 men and 2 women on the field at all times. Female goals count as 2 goals. Games consist of two 30 minute halves. Shinguards must be worn at all times while playing. We play with kick-ins instead of throw-ins. NO SLIDE TACKLES. Teams must have matching colored shirts with numbers on the back by the 3rd week of the season. Players with no numbers or matching colored shirts will not be allowed to play. Teams must have at least 7 primary team registrations before adding second team players.

Our season lasts 10 weeks, with 8 regular season weeks and 2 playoff weeks. Rosters freeze after the 6th week of the season.

If you do not have a team, you need to register as a Free Agent, and put Free Agent in the team name box. If you are already on a team, register as a TEAM PLAYER, then choose your team name in the drop down box. If your team name is not showing up yet, it is because your captain has not registered yet, therefore you will need to put your team name in the box. Register as a Free Agent or get some friends or co-workers together and form a team.

After the game, visit TBD.

Typical Suspensions for Red Cards:

Double Yellow - 1 match suspension

Referee/Staff Abuse - 2-5 matches (Could result in permanent ban from league depending on the type of abuse)

Serious Foul Play - 2-5 match suspension

Violent Conduct - 5-10 match suspension (Could lead to permanent ban from the league)

Fighting - Permanent Ban from league, even if first offense. Fighting will not be tolerated in our league.

Intentional Denying a goal scoring opportunity - 1 match suspension

Intentional Hand Ball Denying a Goal Scoring Opportunity - Player will be shown a red card, team will play short handed for the remainder of the game, but player will not be suspended


**** Players playing on multiple teams that get suspended will be suspended for all teams they play for during the length of the suspension.

**Red Carded players must leave the fields prior to the match restarting. Suspended players are not allowed to attend the games they are suspended for**

Teams that forfeit 3 times without notifying management will be removed from the schedule and not be scheduled in the playoffs. Division Champions get promoted to the higher division the following season. No call/no show/no advance notice forfeits = 6-0 score Call in advance and able to notify other team = 3-0 score. No show forfeits will also result in a two point loss in standings points.

All teams that win the championship get promoted to the a higher division the following season. The two teams that play in the championship game from League Two will be moved to the higher division.

1.17, 1.24, 1.31, 2.7, 2.14, 2.21, 2.28, 3.7, 3.14, 3.21

6:15 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:45 PM

  Co-ed 7v7

Winter/Spring Sunday Co-ed Soccer 2025

  • Locations: Plantation Park Turf
  • • Day: Sunday • Started: Sunday, January 26
    Deadline: Sunday, March 16
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If you do not live in St. Johns County, do not select yes on your registration form. We will be checking and charging you the extra $10. Please be honest.

Teams that no show forfeit will be charged $30, and it will be added to the captains account.

**Absolutely no alcohol will be allowed at the park from this point forward. There have been numerous complaints made and if it does not get fixed, we will lose our permit. PLEASE, NO ALCOHOL!**

Teams must have at least 7 players registered by Tuesday, before the season starts to get placed on the schedule.

New Division - Over 35 Co-ed. All men must be at least 35 years old to play. Women can be 25+ currently. If we have enough over 35 women looking to play, we will make all players be over 35.

If we do not get enough teams for the over 35 division, we will move all over 35 teams into League Two.

Co-ed 7v7 Soccer games are played with 5 men and 2 women on the field at all times. Female goals count as 2 goals. Games consist of two 30 minute halves. Shinguards must be worn at all times while playing. We play with kick-ins instead of throw-ins. NO SLIDE TACKLES. Teams must have matching colored shirts with numbers on the back by the 3rd week of the season. Players with no numbers or matching colored shirts will not be allowed to play. Teams must have at least 7 primary team registrations before adding second team players.

Our season lasts 10 weeks, with 8 regular season weeks and 2 playoff weeks. Rosters freeze after the 6th week of the season.

If you do not have a team, you need to register as a Free Agent, and put Free Agent in the team name box. If you are already on a team, register as a TEAM PLAYER, then choose your team name in the drop down box. If your team name is not showing up yet, it is because your captain has not registered yet, therefore you will need to put your team name in the box. Register as a Free Agent or get some friends or co-workers together and form a team.

After the game, visit TBD.

Typical Suspensions for Red Cards:

Double Yellow - 1 match suspension

Referee/Staff Abuse - 1-5 Weeks (Could result in permanent ban from league depending on the type of abuse)

Serious Foul Play - 2-5 weeks suspension

Violent Conduct - 5-10 weeks suspension (Could lead to permanent ban from the league)

Fighting - Permanent Ban from league, even if first offense. Fighting will not be tolerated in our league.

Intentional Denying a goal scoring opportunity - 1 match suspension

Intentional Hand Ball Denying a Goal Scoring Opportunity - Player will be shown a red card, team will play short handed for the remainder of the game, but player will not be suspended


**** Players playing on multiple teams that get suspended will be suspended for all teams they play for during the length of the suspension.*****

**Red Carded players must leave the fields prior to the match restarting. Suspended players are not allowed to attend the games they are suspended for**

Teams that forfeit 3 times without notifying management will be removed from the schedule and not be scheduled in the playoffs. Division Champions get promoted to the higher division the following season. No call/no show/no advance notice forfeits = 6-0 score Call in advance and able to notify other team = 3-0 score. No show forfeits will also result in a two point loss in standings points.

All teams that win the championship get promoted to the a higher division the following season. The two teams that play in the championship game from League Two will be moved to the higher division.

1.26, 2.2, 2.23, 3.2, 3.9, 3.16, 3.23, 3.30, 4.6, 4.13

2:00 PM, 3:15 PM, 4:30 PM, 5:45 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:15 PM

  Co-ed 5 men/5 women - Rosters up to 18 Players

Spring Co-ed Softball 2025

  • Locations: Drew Park
  • • Day: Sunday • Started: Sunday, March 9
    Deadline: Sunday, March 30
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All Games will be played at Drew Park

League Starts:3/9 at Drew Park

Captain's Group Chat will be set up prior to the league starting

3.9, 3.30, 4.6, 4.13, 4.27, 5.4, 5.11, 6.8, 6.22

9:00 AM, 10:10 AM, 11:20 AM, 12:30 PM, 1:40 PM

  Booze Cruize

18th Annual Memorial Day Booze Cruize

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18th Annual Memorial Day Booze Cruise, SATURDAY, May 24th

Saturday, 5/24/25

Join us on another adventure as we bar hop in downtown St. Augustine for a Memorial Day Weekend Bash. We will be loading up at 12:00pm, then riding down to St Augustine. We will be leaving Downtown St. Augustine at 8:30pm. There will be FREE alcohol on the bus, but you can bring your own also. Don Patron Cantina will be providing the 5 gallon jugs of margaritas again!! YOU MUST BE 21 YEARS OLD TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT!

Registration is only available online at www.JaxSport.com for this event. Seats always sell fast, so sign up today!! Registration ends the Thursday before the trip, or until it is sold out. The first 40 people to sign up for each bus will be guaranteed a spot.

Registration fee covers your ride down and back, and all the FREE BEER and Don Patron Cantina MARGARITAS you can drink...

The Mandarin bus will be leaving from the shopping center located at 11112 San Jose Blvd, at the intersection of Claire Ln. This bus will start loading at 12:00 and will leave shorty after.

The Beach Buses will be loading at 12:30pm in the Beach Plaza shopping center (1318 Beach Blvd.) and leaving shortly afterwards. If you are riding on the Beaches bus, you need to arrive at the pickup location at 12:30pm.

Please make sure you have a Designated driver when you return to your pickup location or call for a taxi or uber. If you miss the bus, you will not be given a refund.


12:00 PM


2025 Group Beach Trip to Riviera Maya, Mexico!!

  • Locations: Riviera Maya, Mexico
  • • Day: Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday • Starts: Thursday, July 24
    Deadline: Monday, March 31
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Come party with us and our friends from SportsMonkey in Houston!

Dates: July 24th - July 28th
UNICO 20°87°
All-Inclusive, Adults Only Resort

Available Room Packages Include:
Option A (Alcoba Tropical View, 2 Queen Beds or King Bed)

Option B (Alcoba Ocean View)

Option C (Alcoba Swim Up Pool)

Option D (Alcoba Ocean Front)

*Prices do not include taxes and fees*

Non-stop transfers to and from the airport included!




Please contact Elizabeth Newkirk at elizabeth@barefootdestinations.com with any questions and requests.

7.24, 7.25, 7.26, 7.27, 7.28

9:00 AM

JaxSport Adult Sports Leagues
P.O. Box 50578
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240
(904) 566-3989